I have recently discovered the world of craft blogs. I'm wondering how I didn't know about them before this. I have book marked about 100+ ideas of things I want to make. It may just take me forever to get them all done. This wreath was inspired by one such blog, not sure which though. Actually, the inspiration came from a few blogs. Anyway, the flowers are made from fabric, and are velcroed (sp?) on so I can change the throughout the year and have the wreath match any season or holiday I choose. Pretty shnazy huh!? (I don't know why this text is blue and underlined... oh well)
This is the apron I made for Brylee. It was my first attempt at using a pattern. It went pretty well. I still have lots of learning to do, and I need lots more practice, but I had fun.

the crafts look great. have you heard of pinterest.com ? you should check it out, you have to "request an invite" and then they email you in like 2 weeks and you can join, and so then you can "pin" things to different boards using the pics from different blogs and websites so you choose and keep track of what crafts, recipes, etc you want to make... and you can see what others are pinning so the inspiration is shared... anyways sorry for the rambling but it's pretty cool! I'm addicted!