Friday, September 27, 2013


At school Brylee's teacher read a story about being bucket fillers or bucket dippers.  I can't remember the name of the book now, but I'm sure a lot of you have heard of it.
Well that book has made a big impression on Brylee.  She and I have kind of butted heads, so for me to try and teach her to be nice to people is not the easiest thing.  But, when she hears it from her teacher she listens.
She is not constantly using the terms 'bucket dipper' and 'bucket filler.'  A bucket filler is someone who does nice things to fill someones 'bucket.'  A bucket dipper would be the opposite, things that are hurtful and dip out of someone's bucket.  The idea is to keep a full bucket, and that equals being happy.
Brylee now lets me know when someone is dipping into her bucket.  :/
She also tells me when she is trying to fill others buckets as well.
Overall it was a good lesson for her.
Her teacher told me that Brylee has been trying hard to follow the rules at school and help to watch out for others and their feelings.
I'm proud of her.  Those things show changes from her old attitude.  I welcome those changes.

Also, if you haven't seen the sneak peaks from her Dreamers Fairy Photo Session, you should check them out here, and here as well.

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