Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am heavily drugged right now. I guarantee there are grammar errors, and most of these posts are mis-mashed sentences and probably don't make sense, sorry. It's the best I can do right now.

Also, some funny things from the hospital.

1. The lady who delivered my dinner congratulated m. I'm guessing on my new baby, since I was in the maternity ward.

2. The doctor told me "don't worry, I did the incisions so you can still wear a bikini." Oh good, what a relief. Haha.


  1. I am so glad you're home and doing better! What a relief!! Hopefully you'll be fully recovered and ready to wear that bikini this summer! ;)

  2. I am sorry you have to go through all of this. I know how scary medical problems can be especially with not knowing what is wrong and the pain. It is hard I know. You are tough and strong though. Just hope for better days and look for the good in even the darkest moments. We love you and pray you will be doing better soon.
    Crystal and Todd
